Warm water with lemon and Honey-1/2tsp.
1 glass
Fruits-1/Oats2tbspwith 100mlmilk/Egg-1/Dry fruits-4/Wheat flakes-100gms/Ragi soup-100mlwith 1spoon of powder or with buttermilk /Green tea
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Dhaliauppam-100gms/Oats uppama 150gms(with lot of vegetables)Fruit-1/Curd-100ml/
Chutney:Any 50gmsor vegetable sambar-100ml
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Roti with multigrain atta-2 + Rice-100gms, vegetablecurry ,Green leafy vegetablewith dal-1cup,Rasam,Curd only with Skimmed Milk-100ml. or soy-paneer-4piecescooked in tomatoes
Fruit/Vegetable salad(mandatary) or sweet corn/Sprouts -1cup/cornflakes-80gfms with 100ml of milk./garlic bread-3slices
Vegetable salad-1 Plate/vegetable soup (without cornflour)
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Roti-2 (without Oilor Ghee)-2noMediumand thin.Vegetable curry-2cups Dhal,skimmed milk Buttermilk
Principles of DietaryTreatment:
- Maintain your body weight according to your height.
- Proper timings and spacing of meals
- Food without fiber and empty calories from sugar increases blood sugar and Triglycerides. Hence decrease the consumption of sugar & sweetned products.
- If you are using Minimum oil, Fresh coconut, gingelly seeds, groundnuts, ghee, can be used moderately in your diet.
- Decrease the consumption of Refined and Processed foods , Ready to eat foods,Bakery items, Preservative foods.
- Limit the intake of salt.
- Quit Smoking and Restrict the alcohol intake.
- Add Omega 3foods to your diet (Flaxseeds)
- Need to have physical exercise for minimum workout of 45minutes daily , if not possible 30min , 3times/week.
- Sleep for 8hrs a day, this count should complete before sunrising.
- Genetic problems , we cannot avoid but we can get away from it by having regular checkups .
- Find a way to get relieve from the stress like Yoga , Meditation.
- Preferably shift to a Vegetarian Diet.
- Drinking 1glass of warm water at early morning helps to flush out the toxins from the body. Warm water is recommended for people suffering from cold, cough, acidity, asthma and arthritis problems.
- Regular breathing exercise helps blood circulation & Lungs to work properly.
- Avoid Reheating of oils and foods.
- Avoid Too hot and verycold items.
- To save Nutrients avoid washing Green leaves and Vegetables after cutting.
- Cooking to be done just 30min Before eating.
- Juices are not allowed . Eat fresh fruits for fiber.
- Don’t stick to one place try to move as much as possible.
Foods to be Taken:
- Whole Grain Cereals: Ragi, wheat, Jowar, barley, etc.
- Take combination of Cereals like Rice/Ragi, wheat /ragi etc.
- Sprouted pulses: Take a fistful of sprouted green grams / bengalgram daily, Alfa alfa seeds .
- Vegetables : Take plenty of Green leafy vegetables and Vegetables.
- Fruits : More citrus fruits & Antioxidant fruits like Avacado & pomegranate .
- Biscuits: Marie / thin arrow root.
- Oil: Use all variety of oils. Only 3tsp /day is permitted. (1/2kg a month )
- Include Ginger , garlic, onion as much as possible.
- Nuts : Use almonds, pista, walnuts, groundnuts, fresh coconut in Moderation.
Foods to be Avoided :
- Refined cereals like Maida, cornflour, sugar, Indian sweets, icecream , glucose,jam,syrups,cakes,
cream,pickles, cola drinks , Outside foods. - Hot drinks like Tea, strong coffee, chocolate drinks .
- Eggyolk, organ meats, pork are not suited to the human system.
- If you are a non-vegetarian chicken skinless(80gms/week), Fish (100gms/week) is allowed but boiling or roasting or grilled method should be followed.
Drink water before,after and duringthe workouts.
Pre work out snack: Banana-1/any dry fruits-3/Biscuits-4
Post work out snack: Oats/vegetable salad/curd/fruits.( Before30minutes)
Steam is compulsory atleast for 15days or 1 month.
Preworkout snack (before 30-45min) :
· Fruits –1/2banana/1/2 apple/papaya-2-3slices/citrus fruit-1
· Biscuits-2/whole wheat bread-2slices
· Badam/walnuts-2-3
During Workout or Exercise:
· Drink adequate amounts of fluid (avoid dairy) before , after and during workout.
· Keep sipping water every 15 to 30min during your workout (100ml)
Post workout snack(with in 30min):
· Eggwhites omlette/boiled-1-2
· Sprouts-1k
· Lowfat paneer-1-2p s
· Skimmed milk -1cup/ Skimmed milk curd-1k
Courtesy: pink